I’m a big Dark Knight fan, and I’m a passionate video editor. Chrysler has this competition going on: creating the best :25 spot using provided clips of The Dark Knight Rises and Chrysler. This particular spot gets my vote: 2 Heroes From 2 Cities

Remembering Tom & Katie
by jokway on June 30, 2012 in Movies, TV
Does everyone remember when Tom Cruise publicly declared his love for “Dawson’s Creek” star, Katie Holmes? Well, they’re getting divorced now. Tom, Katie: we’re sorry this had to happen. Divorce strikes yet another Hollywood power couple. But don’t forget that there were good times. Like when the curvaceous Oprah dissed Katie’s stick-figure body and Tom, […]
Kids On The Slope: A Quick Look
by jokway on June 25, 2012 in Anime, Manga
It’s an infectious story. This isn’t an anime with superpowers and other-worldly beings. But it accomplishes what so much anime fail to bring. Magic. Kaoru is around the age of a sophomore in American high school. From Tokyo to Kyushu, he is the new kid in town, and he’s completely disengaged. All the luck in […]
Japan’s Japan
by jokway on March 29, 2012 in Anime, Art, Events, Manga
In a little less than 6 hours, I’ll be on a plane heading to Japan… my very first trip to Japan. It’s one of those countries that’s on everyone’s list of Top 10 places to see before dying. What is it that’s so appealing about this country? I’ve come to believe that that’s what I’m […]
A VERY quick look: 2011 NY ComicCon
by jokway on November 16, 2011 in Events
Hopefully, it is an indication as to how awesome San Diego will be! (filmed on an iPhone 4)
My Email to Remembering Steve
by jokway on October 6, 2011 in Tech
I didn’t know Steve, personally. For me, the only glimpse of his personality came through during his Keynotes and his speeches. Whether he would care about what I had to say about him is unclear to me. He envisioned the type of technology that allowed the guy who was passionate about video become a filmmaker, […]
Getting Into Editing – Advice
by jokway on September 6, 2011 in Tech
At work yesterday, I encountered an individual with a Canon 7D camera (it’s what I’m eyeing). He asked about editing software… well, he opened up a can of worms, because he got me and a good number of my good friends engaging in an hour long conversation! Commonplace. Geeks like us can go on for […]
Game of Thrones: Tyrion, the Beloved
by jokway on August 13, 2011 in TV
There are many characters in the show… so much that sometimes, it’s very hard to follow. Here is a video that shows why everyone seems to love the good bad-guy, Tyrion Lannister: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxLOXUGmRKI&w=560&h=349]
Top 10: Kills in Game of Thrones, Season 1 [SPOILER] [EXPLICIT]
by jokway on August 11, 2011 in Top 10, TV
I’ve complied a list of my Top 10 kills in the first season of Game of Thrones. Do you agree with my list? Comment below! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqeSp9UIu9c&w=560&h=349]
What Is The Next “Death Note”?
by jokway on July 31, 2011 in Anime
The world of anime is a four-story Yankee Candle store. Who knows if such a thing exists, but what if it did? Honestly, how does one tell which candle is good? THEY ALL LOOK GOOD FROM THE OUTSIDE. And there’s no way of being able to sniff out the differences in the store, because the […]