Red Tails is an upcoming film directed by Anthony Hemingway, from a script by John Ridley and story by executive producer George Lucas. It is based on the Tuskegee Airmen, a group of African American combat pilots during World War II, and is the first Lucasfilm Ltd. production since Radioland Murders (1994) not to be associated with the Indiana Jones or Star Wars franchises.
This project has been a lifelong dream for George Lucas. The story of the Tuskegeen Airmen needs to be told, as these were men who fought against Nazis in the air and racism on their own land. The space battle scenes in the Star Wars film were originally inspired from real WWII footage, so we should expect some epic stuff. According to a press release issued by Lucasfilm, the film will open Jan. 20, 2012.
Check official press release from
View the trailer in glorious HD:
On Freedoms Wings, The Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen part 1
[…] Day 3 – Red Tails Panel (…Read previous post about the movie…) […]