The much awaited live-action film of the 80’s Japanese Anime “Robotech” is now underway and has found a commercial director, Nic Mathieu. Produced at Warner Bros. by Akiva Goldsman and Tobey Maguire. Click here to preview Nic Mathieu’s commercial CGI-heavy reel SYNOPSIS The Macross Saga begins with humanity’s discovery of a crashed alien ship and subsequent […]
Tag Archives: Tobey Maguire
Robotech at Warner Bros. gets a director, Nic Mathieu
by Deckard on January 30, 2013 in Anime, Movies
Spider-Man 2 – Best scene in the series
by Deckard on August 3, 2011 in Movies
“0.23 electron volts” Spider-Man 2 with Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker is probably one of the best superhero films to date. The movie just felt complete from start to finish. The quirky montage below gave it that indie/home video epicness to it, hats off to director Sam Raimi: